World Best Value to Travel in Nepal

  • Sep 4, 2024
  • Karna Rana

Table of Contents

The Lonely Planet gives the best value for Nepal to travel in the world in 2017. Among the 10 best destinations in the World, Nepal got 1st position.  Likewise; Namibia, Porto, Portugal, Venice, Italy, Debrecen, Hungary, Belize (Central America), Morocco, Russia, Bellarine Peninsula, Australia, and Michigan's Upper Peninsula- (USA) have secured second, third, fourth, and ten, respectively.

After the mega earthquake on 25 April 2015, the people of Nepal need more help to rebuild houses, roads, and infrastructure. Many houses and schools had destroyed by it but not Himalayan nature's beauty. Still, there is “Mt. Everest (8,848 m)" at the top of the world and the other 7 highest mountains in the world. Here are countless snow-capped peaks in the Himalayas, from where the icefall makes magic on your eyes, and Glacier Lakes, Glacier marine, and landscape are amazing.

Lonely Planet added more; there are many trekking routes in Nepal, which can do very budge way. The most popular trekking routes—Ghorepani Poon Hill, Annapurna Circuit, and Upper Mustang—are in the region of Annapurna. Likewise, the recently opened Manaslu Teahouse Trekking, Tsum Valley Homestay trip, Langtang Valley, Mt. Everest Base Camp trip, and Kanchenjungha Trip are most frequented by trekkers. Nepal is a multicultural country, where you can see more than 123 different ethnic groups who speak more than 113 dialects. Each ethnic group has its own custom, tradition, belief, and way of life. But they have very good hormones with each other, which have been practiced for centuries celebrating different fasts and festivals. 

Enjoy through the Annapurna Trek Video

Nepal is a tiny country on world maps but here is geographical diversity. You can get various climates here from all over the world.  Every hour you can get different climates. The lower land is flat; this is the food bank of Nepal where endangered species like the Royal Bengal Tiger, One Horn Rhinoceros, Musk dear, and crocodile are found. In the hilly area in the lap of the gigantic Himalayas with amazing landscape. At higher elevations, can find rare animal species such as snow leopards, Red pandas, Salak (Pangolin), etc.

Nepal is a sacred land where Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born at Lumbini and this is a holy place where many sages used to meditate to get enlightenment. Anyway, it is great news for all travelers from around the world who likes to travel to 2017 the Himalayas at less expense. Your visit will help directly or indirectly the Nepalese who becomes a victim of the natural disaster. 

According to Lonely Planet, Nepal is the first position for the travel value destination in the world in 2017, likewise.  You are heartily welcome to Nepal “All the Mountains are waiting for you”.

Please if you have any curiosity regarding Nepal Travel and any information, feel free to contact us anytime, Nepal Mother House is glad to assist you.

Karna Rana

Karna Rana


I hearty welcome to Nepal, known as the Kingdom of Himalayans, and the roof of the World “Mt. Everest.” Nepal has been named a Heaven on Earth and is a wonder in the Himalayan. It is the Shangri-La, a cultural Museum, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha, and the country of the living Goddess “Kumari.”

I am Karna Rana Trekking Tour Operator and Mountain Guide, specializing in Trekking, Tour, Travel in Nepal, Hiking in the Himalayan and other Outdoor Activities, Peak Climbing, Expedition, Adventure Trekking, Rafting, etc. applying for my field expiring in 2000. Meanwhile, I have completed my Master’s degree in Rural Development (2016) from the Tribhuvan University of Kathmandu, Nepal’s leading educational institution. I have been applying my field experience in tourism, especially in remote areas of the country, for sustainable eco-tourism for local empowerment. I enjoyed writing my blog own word sharing my travel experience in the Himalayan, aiming to provide the right information and help to the Nepal Traveler.

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